Symbol Definition
DsgCanadian designation
Dsg AISCUS designation
WNominal weight
ACross-sectional area
dOverall depth of member
ODOutside diameter of round HSS or pipe
bOverall width of member
wWeb thickness
tFlange thickness
tThickness of angle leg
tHSS and pipe wall thickness
kDistance from outer face of flange to web toe of fillet
k1Distance from center of web to flange toe of fillet
xHorizontal distance to member centroidal axis
yVertical distance to member centroidal axis
eoHorizontal distance to member shear center
xpHorizontal distance to member plastic neutral axis
ypVertical distance to member plastic neutral axis
IxMoment of inertia about the x-axis
ZxPlastic section modulus about the x-axis
SxElastic section modulus about the x-axis
rxRadius of gyration about the x-axis
IyMoment of inertia about the y-axis
ZyPlastic section modulus about the y-axis
SyElastic section modulus about the y-axis
ryRadius of gyration about the y-axis
IzMoment of inertia about the z-axis
rzRadius of gyration about the z-axis
SzElastic section modulus about the z-axis
JTorsional moment of inertia
CwWarping constant
CHSS torsional constant
Zy Plastic modulus about axis YY, mm^3